Breakfast Club, 23rd June 2016, Fortnum & Mason.
DPI Breakfast Club meetings are exclusive complimentary events which provide small groups of Chief Executives with networking opportunities.
The discussion is centred around the issues involved in developing, reviewing and implementing a business strategy today. Although the direction of the discussion is always influenced by the interests of those participating, the main focus is on:
- How to develop strategic objectives and initiatives that are understood, committed to and implemented quickly.
- Some of the barriers to achieving this.
- The processes that can help to overcome them.
To date our meetings have scored an impressive 9/10 for content, relevance and quality. Here is what some of our previous attendees had to say:
“Extremely engaging, a lovely challenge”
“Enjoyable, thought provoking”
“Interesting group. More diverse than most business forums”
“Incredibly valuable to take time out and just talk to others from a cross-section of business. Interesting, illuminating and informative. I loved the conversation, it delivered in so many ways. The location was pretty good too!”
Click here to enquire about a Breakfast Club event.